Our Courses

Advance JAVA


 Syllabus of Advanced JAVA  :

  • Swing Programming
  • Understanding Difference between

  • Swing & AWT Programming

  • Define Swing Component

  • List Swing Packages

  • List the Sub-Classes Handles Events

  • Use JFC to write Wing applets

  • Understanding the concept of  "Look & Feel "

  • Spring
  • Introduction to Spring

  • Spring Modules

  • Spring Applications

  • Spring JDBC

  • Spring Web

  • Java Database Connectivity
  • Define JDBC API

  • Describe the various JDBC Drivers

  • Identify JDBC products

  • Outline JDBC design consideration

  • Describe the 2-tier Server-Client model

  • Use JDBC to access a database

  • Setup connection to a database

  • Create & Execute SQL Statement

  • Describe Result Set Object

  • Define and Create Stored Procedure

  • Input/output Stream 
  • Java I/O Classes and Interfaces

  • File I/O

  • Byte I/O

  • Piped I/O

  • Filter I/O

  • Object I/O

  • Serialization

  • Network Programming
  • Understanding how the internet works

  • Explain client-server computing

  • Describe the classes of the java.net package

  • Describe java’s web related classes

  • Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
  • Describe distributed applications

  • Build distributed applications

  • Define RMI

  • Outline the Java distributed model

  • List the java.rmi package

  • Explain the 3-tier layering of Java RMI

  • Implement RMI on a remote & local host

  • Describe remote objects

  • Inner classes, Sockets, Web connectivity, Security

  • Java Beans
  • Define Java Beans

  • Describe Software Component Model

  • Understand BDK

  • List the tools for bean development

  • Create your own bean

  • Describe the custom bean properties and events

  • Understand introspection Report

  • Implement various types of properties

  • Describe event listener

  • List the benefits of using Java Beans

  • JSF
  • Introduction to JSF

  • JSF Features and Life Cycle

  • JSF Managed Beans

  • JSF UI Components

  • JSF Validations

  • Enterprise java Beans (EJB)
  • Introduction to EJB

  • Types of EJB

  • Session Beans-Stateless Session Beans, Stateful Session Beans

  • Entity Beans

  • Message Driven Beans

  • Servlets
  • Define & Compile a Servlet

  • Life Cycle of a Servlet

  • Describe an HTTP Servlet

  • Use a Servlet to retrieve information

  • Define Session Tracking

  • Describe InterServlet Communication

  • Use a Servlet to access a database

  • Java Server Page (JSP)
  • Basic of JSP

  • Directives (page, include, taglib, etc.)

  • Scripting Elements

  • Life Cycle of JSP

  • JSP & Java Beans

  • Error Handling in JSP

  • JSP with JDBC

  • Hibernate
  • What is the problem with JDBC-paradigm mismatch

  • What is ORM?

  • Understanding different components of Hibernate

  • How to persist objects using Hibernate

  • How to use mapping files, configuration files and Session Object

  • Instance States

  • How to generate ID

  • How to implement Inheritance in Hibernate

  • Working with relationship between entities

  • Transactions in Hibernate

  • Querying with HQL (Hibernate Query Language)

  • Struts
  • Introduction to Struts

  • Overview of Model, view, Controller(MVC) design pattern

  • How the Struts Framework applies MVC

  • How request are handled in Struts

  • Struts main components

  • The Controller components

  • Struts configuration files

  • The View Components

  • Internationalization and multiple languages views

  • The Model Components

  • Struts validator 


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IInd floor, Cinema Road,
Shahi Market, Golghar,
Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273001, India